About ESBI informator

The ESBI Informator is a digital magazine inspired by Robert Kiyosaki's "Cashflow Quadrant." In this context, "informator," derived from the Latin word for "informer," is used to describe a resource that educates individuals about the different ways people can earn income, as outlined in Kiyosaki's model.

The ESBI framework categorizes income earners into four distinct quadrants:

  1. E (Employee): Individuals who work for someone else and earn a paycheck. They trade time for money and typically have less control over their income.
  2. S (Self-Employed): Individuals who work for themselves, such as freelancers or small business owners. They also trade time for money but have more control over their work and income.
  3. B (Business Owner): Individuals who own a business system where employees work for them. This quadrant emphasizes building systems and leveraging other people's time and efforts to generate income.
  4. I (Investor): Individuals who invest money in various assets to generate passive income. This quadrant focuses on making money work for you rather than actively working for money.

As a digital magazine, the ESBI Informator serves as an educational guide, helping readers understand these quadrants, assess their current position, and explore pathways to move from one quadrant to another. The ultimate goal is to assist individuals in achieving greater financial independence and stability by transitioning towards the B and I quadrants, where passive income opportunities are more prevalent. This framework encourages readers to rethink their approach to earning money and consider strategies that lead to financial freedom and wealth-building.

One of the key features of ESBI Informator is its focus on the four categories mentioned above. By targeting these specific groups, the magazine is able to provide content that is highly relevant to its readers. For example, employees can find articles on career development, work-life balance, and job searching tips. Self-employed individuals can read about entrepreneurship, marketing, and customer service. Business people can access articles on leadership, management, and financial management. Lastly, investors can learn about investing strategies, market trends, and personal finance.

The magazine also offers exclusive content from famous people in each of these fields. This includes interviews, articles, and opinions from successful individuals who have achieved great success in their respective areas. This content provides readers with unique insights into the world of work and finance, and can help them to gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed.

ESBI Informator also has a job board where readers can find relevant job listings in their fields. This is a valuable resource for individuals who are looking for new opportunities or who are interested in exploring different career paths. Additionally, the magazine offers forex trader tools for readers who are interested in the foreign exchange market. These tools can help traders to make informed decisions and stay up-to-date on the latest market trends.

All of the Exclusive content and tools offered by ESBI Informator are available for subscription. This means that readers can access exclusive magazine resources for a small fee. Subscribers have unlimited access to articles, exclusive content, the job board, and forex trader tools. This is a great value for individuals who are looking to improve their careers or finances.

Overall, ESBI Informator is a valuable resource for individuals in the four main categories of employees, self-employed individuals, business people, and investors. With a wide range of articles, exclusive content, a job board, and forex trader tools, the magazine offers something for everyone. By subscribing to ESBI Informator, readers can gain access to all of these resources and take the first steps towards achieving their professional and financial goals.